Our sweetie pies

Our sweetie pies

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Rainy Day

Splash, little girl
Splash, watch the water whirl
Dance in the rain little girl
The whirl is in the little girl
Whirl and splash little girl.
by Karen

Today, she got to play in the rain! splashing in puddles is one of her favorite things to do! She also got to go to church today, which she loves too. They have a preschool Sunday school class that she and her brother get to attend together. We leave her with her special water and cheese for her snack when the rest of the kids get crackers and juice. so far, she is okay with that.

I called the doctor last night and went over numbers with her for awhile. The past two days, she was having lows again and at midnight she was running high. we agreed to adjust her insulin dose at dinner and add insulin at afternoon snack and bedtime snack to insure her not going so high at night.

so far today, her numbers were good. I did make sure to check her right after she came in from the rain since yesterday she dropped so low after playing outside. She was okay, 103.

Tonight, we goofed a bit and she was given twice the insulin she needed at dinner. that was an accident by someone in this house. (no names will be given). luckily, we checked her at bedtime snack and she was 95, then she had a snack and she was okay for the night. currently she is asleep.

off the rollercoaster for one day.

back in touch with the doctor.

kind of like super nanny. she teaches the parents for a week then leaves for a few days then returns to assess the damage.

I don't know, unruly children or badly managed diabetic? well not badly managed, but a few lower lows and higher highs. well, one a parent can be blamed for, the other is some chemistry. okay, nevermind, us diabetic parents don't want to be compared to neglectful or permissive or overcontrolling parents. super nanny is human. she guides but is not foolproof.

we are like doctors or nurses. we do our best. sometimes we make mistakes but we are dedicated and work hard and relentlessly.

I'm listening to my teenager and husband discuss the pros and cons of the colleges she is considering attending. She is still waiting to hear from three more colleges, then we must decide. I'm having a little trouble focusing.

I heard my little sweetie saying to her brother, yesterday, that she is sick. That's why she gets to eat smarties and he doesn't. I told her that she isn't sick anymore that it is just the way her body works now, but in her 3 year old mind, she is sick.

Her brother has been having trouble with his special twin sister's diagnosis. He is so sweet and sensitive and was really worried when she went to the hospital. He has definitely been concerned about her and has been acting out in his 3 year old way, trying to figure out what happened.

My six year old seems to be taking the news like no big deal. She has adjusted and reminds me that I already explained to her several times what diabetes is. She was the one in a body cast for 2 months. medical procedures and setbacks are already old hat to her.

I figure that one day all of these kids will have a sensitivity and compassion for people with medical conditions. They have all been through so much already.

I know when my dad was getting sicker and we had to get a wheel chair for him to make it from the car to the doctor's office, I looked at elderly people differently. After he passed away, I smiled anytime I saw someone with an oxygen tank or wheelchair. I wanted to say, "hey, I've been there! I understand! I'm not just some young kid that doesn't care! I just lost my beloved dad!"

Just as years later, after my 6 year old had her cast off and was walking again, we took my brother to a magic shop that also sold medical equipment. (yes, weird), we looked at all of the medical supplies, and beds, and wheelchairs. I waited for a clerk to tell my daughter to stop touching things so I then could tell her, "you don't know what she has been through! She used all of these things just a few months ago!"

It seems like we just don't take enough time to find out what we have all been going through. we walk by each other and smile but we really don't know what we have all suffered through or are suffering through. some of us carry rather large burdens.

I pray that by us learning to be more open about what we are going through, others will learn to do the same and we can offer compassion that sometimes is desperately needed.

"But a samaritan , as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' "which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise." Luke 10:33

Did the samaritan have to take care of the man on the road? no. Did it make a difference in that man's life? yes. some wounds are physical and some wounds are emotional. Let us be the first to reach out to others, because you just don't know what kind of difference it might make in their life.

Right now, we are in need of being understood and reached out to and soon we will be able to reach out to others to minister to newly diagnosed families. one month already, feels like years.

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